Legal Advice for Compensation Insurance Claims & TPD Payouts

TPD Payout Calculator for TPD Claims

Our fast TPD payout calculator helps you learn the value of your TPD claim. After all, knowing how much your TPD Payout is worth is crucial to accessing all your permanent disability insurance benefits.

Use our TPD Calculator to get a claim valuation, or get a quick free accurate review by Phone – 1800 700 125 Email Us your details.

(Disclaimer – online claim values are a guide. For an accurate estimate, please contact us)

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What is the Average TPD Payout in Australia?

The average TPD payout amount varies considerably in Australia. The average lump sum payout for a TPD benefit in Australia is about $150,000. However, there is a significant variation in TPD payout amounts, ranging from $60,000 to $2,000,000.

Additionally, you may be eligible for multiple claims if you contributed to more than one superannuation fund during your work life.

What is my TPD claim worth?

Calculate my TPD claim

Calculating Your TPD Claim Payout

The value of TPD insurance claims varies depending on your circumstances, so calculating the average benefit for TPD payouts can be difficult. But, annually, there are over 150,000 Australian total and permanent disability claims, with the funds typically deposited into a person’s superannuation account.

To learn more about your eligibility and the TPD claims process, contact our TPD payout lawyers for a free case review. Our personal injury lawyers will assess your case and let you know the following:

  • If you can make a TPD claim
  • Your chance of a successful claim
  • An estimated lump sum payment value

Call now for your free TPD payout calculation – 1800 700 125.

More about TPD claims >

TPD Claim Payouts - No Win, No Fee, No Risk

Splatt Lawyers offer 100% No Win, No Fee, No Risk legal financing to all Australians seeking a TPD claim payout. When you sign our legal cost agreement, you will see that:

Unlike other major insurance claim law firms, we will not ask you to agree to an expensive disbursement loan. Splatt Lawyers will fund all your disbursement costs, including if you lose your case.

Feel confident knowing:

• Our legal fees are capped.
• We do not charge uplift or success fees.
• Legal costs are calculated on work hours, not a percentage of your TPD payout.

More about our legal pricing

Our 99% TPD Payout Success Rate

It’s reassuring to know that when you choose Splatt Lawyers to manage your TPD insurance claim, you are selecting Australian superannuation & insurance lawyers with a solid success rate for claiming TPD payouts. Due to the extensive experience & knowledge of our intelligent and focused legal team, you will have peace of mind knowing you have a 99% chance of getting your desired TPD benefit payment.

Speedy TPD Claim Payouts

It may be difficult to manage finances if you cannot work due to an injury, accident, or psychiatric illness. Splatt Lawyers are experts in the TPD claim process and can help you transition to a better life.

Our fast-track TPD claims service streamlines the claims procedure, giving you a faster TPD lump sum payout. Ask us how we do it:  Call 1800 700 125 →

A man on a crutch shaking hands with a TPD lawyer after a successful permanent disability payout

Can I Get a TPD Payout in Australia?

In Australia, you can claim a superannuation disability payout when an illness, physical injury or mental illness prevents you from doing your usual occupation or one for which you are qualified or have training and experience. To be eligible, you have the following:

  1. Been off work for a minimum of three months
  2. TPD insurance cover, either through a super fund or stand-alone TPD insurance policy
  3. You satisfy the TPD definition of your disability insurance policy
  4. Have expert reports and evidence proving how your medical condition disrupts your work capacity.

Meeting the conditions of the TPD insurance company can be complex. They often try to minimise or deny a TPD insurance benefit payment, as it impacts their profitability. Consequently, seeking legal advice from our experienced TPD claim lawyers is your best chance of making a successful claim.

Steps to Making a Successful TPD Claim

A thorough understanding of the TPD claim process is crucial to successfully claiming a lump sum TPD payout. Knowing the ins and outs of permanent disability TPD insurance, the TPD definition, and what it takes to meet the insurance company’s requirements will help determine your outcome.

In Australia, the steps for filing a TPD claim are the same, irrespective of whether you have a physical injury, a severe or terminal illness, or a mental health condition.

Find your TPD insurance policies

Finding your TPD insurance cover is the first step towards successfully claiming a TPD benefit. Many working Australians have permanent disability TPD insurance through a super fund but have no idea where it is or what is covered.

Furthermore, they sometimes have TPD insurance policies with several superannuation funds, making them eligible to make multiple TPD claims. Fortunately, Splatt Lawyers charges nothing for:

  1. Locating your super fund policies
  2. Advising your eligibility to make multiple TPD claims
  3. Disclosing your potential TPD payout value
  4. Our 100% no win, no pay legal fee when you have a successful claim.

It can be tricky to prove that you have a Total and Permanent Disability and that it disrupts your work capacity, particularly for psychological disorders and complex claims. Moreover, large insurance companies have teams of claim investigators tasked with reducing or denying TPD benefit payments.

Our experienced TPD lawyers know what it takes to make a TPD claim with a positive outcome. Contact our TPD compensation solicitors now for fast, free advice. Contact our compensation solicitors now for fast, free advice. Call 1800 700 125

When you make a TPD claim, you must meet the definition of TPD outlined in your total and permanent disability insurance terms and conditions. There can be a significant difference in TPD policy terms between insurers and insurance policies. However, in Australia, there are generally three primary types of TPD definitions:

  1. Own occupation
  2. Any occupation
  3. Activities of daily living

It’s free for our insurance claim lawyers to investigate your TPD cover and explain how your terms and conditions impact your chance of a successful TPD payout.

Next, you must prove how your total and permanent disability prevents you from doing your job. This step requires compelling medical evidence and reports that address the terms of your TPD definition.

Thankfully, our expert TPD lawyers regularly negotiate with all the leading Australian life insurance companies, and they understand their requirements.

You must accurately and thoroughly complete the claim form when you claim TPD. This document is the primary information source for the insurance company to complete a claim assessment.

Additionally, you must attach a supporting letter outlining why your claim should be approved. A common reason for delayed and denied TPD claims is:

  • Missing or inaccurate data on claim forms
  • Failing to attach a supporting letter

After you lodge your TPD claim, the insurance company begins the assessment process, which often takes three to six months, sometimes one year. At this stage, the insurer may several requests for additional information, mainly if:

  • You didn’t file an accurate TPD claim form
  • You do not have compelling proof of your medical condition
  • You failed to attach a supporting letter

These factors will slow down the progression of your case and decrease the likelihood of receiving a lump sum TPD payout. Therefore, it’s best to proactively contact the insurance company and confirm they have all the required information to decide your case.

Infographic of the TPD Claim Process

Infographic showing the TPD claims process
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Expert TPD Lawyers for TPD Insurance Claims

Splatt Lawyers are renowned TPD payout lawyers who have delivered a successful TPD claim to thousands of Australians. We provide ongoing support and updates regarding your TPD insurance payout, while working to get the best outcome from your superannuation fund and TPD insurance provider.

Rely on our years of legal expertise to get you the TPD payout you deserve on a 100% no-win, no-fee basis. Join the many Australians who choose Splatt Lawyers to manage their TPD claims—find out why.

Call Now for your free claim assessment – 1800 700 125

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TPD Payout Calculator FAQs

Can I claim multiple TPD Payouts?

Some lucky Aussies can claim multiple TPD claims, as they have contributed to multiple superannuation funds. People who have changed job roles several times often forget they have more than one superannuation provider. Since they usually have multiple TPD insurance policies, they can claim multiple benefits for one permanent disability.

Not sure if you qualify? Ask a specialist TPD lawyer from Splatt Lawyers for a no-cost claim investigation and a free estimate of your permanent disability payout value. Call Now: 1800 700 125

According to the Australian tax office, you generally don’t pay tax on a TPD payout, depending on what you do after the lump sum payment is deposited into your superannuation account. That’s because a TPD payment is not considered taxable income when it remains in your super fund.

However, withdrawing money from your super fund’s TPD payout amount will likely have tax implications. Before making a tax calculation, you will need your eligible service date, which you can get from your superannuation fund.

We recommend you consult with a financial advisor to maximise the tax-free component of your TPD payout.

More about tax on TPD payments >

In Australia, a TPD policy generally covers a wide range of medical conditions, including:

  • Most types of cancer
  • Heart attack and stroke
  • Severe and terminal illnesses
  • Dementia and other cognitive loss
  • Reduced or lost sight or vision
  • Amputation
  • Severe physical injuries
  • Psychological and psychiatric disorders

Please know that any illness or injury that stops you from working, whether physical or mental, can qualify for a TPD payout. Find out for free if you are eligible by calling our friendly insurance claim lawyers now on 1800 700 125.

Free TPD online claim check >

In Australia, most TPD insurance cover is through a super fund. As a result, an insurance provider deposits the funds into your superannuation account when you win a superannuation insurance payout. Hence, your balance will increase, (not decrease), when you have a successful TPD claim.

Generally, Centrelink entitlements are not impacted when you get a TPD payout if the funds remain in your super fund account until you reach preservation age. However, if you choose to withdraw money from your TPD compensation, this could impact Centrelink payments.

It’s best to seek expert financial advice before withdrawing from a super fund.

In Australia, approved TPD benefits are generally paid into a super account. People often then question, “How much tax will I pay?” The tax calculation differs for everyone based on various factors, but you should have a tax-free component called tax-free uplift.

The good news is that if a TPD payment remains in your super fund until retirement, it is generally from tax. To understand your circumstances, it’s best to meet with an accountant for accurate tax calculations.

When you make a successful TPD claim, your superannuation fund’s Total and Permanent Disability insurance policy funds the lump sum payment. TPD payouts are generally deposited into a superannuation account, increasing the balance.

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