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Workers Compensation Stress Leave QLD

When you experience work-related stress, you could make a successful WorkCover claim through the Queensland workers’ compensation scheme. A stress-related illness can significantly impact your mental and physical health, forcing you to take stress leave. These conditions can occur due to various factors, including long working hours, excessive workload, high-pressure work environments, and workplace bullying or harassment.

WorkCover is a no-fault insurance payment system for employees injured at work. In contrast, common law claims seek damages from your employer when their negligence causes you an injury.

QLD WorkCover Stress Leave Claims

Seeking compensation for work-related stress can be difficult. Splatt Lawyers’ experienced workers’ compensation lawyers will advise on your entitlement to WorkCover stress leave and income payments while you recover.

If this is your situation, please contact our work injury lawyers for informed legal advice. Getting started is free, and there are no legal costs or fees until you win your case. Call Now: 1800 700 125

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What is Work-Related Stress and Depression?

You might consider what is stress? Work-related stress is a term used to describe how people respond to their jobs. It includes both physical and psychological responses to working conditions.

Stress at work and having too many demands placed on oneself are the two leading causes of depression. These demands might involve:

  • Dealing with difficult co-workers
  • Unrealistic expectations about performance
  • Overwork

Stress can lead to:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Heart and thyroid problems
  • Diabetes and obesity
  • Gastrointestinal issues & chronic pain
  • Substance abuse and even suicide
  • Emotional trauma
Workers compensation stress leave QLD

100% No Win, No Fee Workers Compensation Stress Claims

If you have a Queensland workers’ compensation claim for stress or other diagnosed mental health condition, Splatt Lawyers believes you deserve a “fair go.”

When you are away from your job due to a workplace psychological injury, you likely cannot afford legal help for your case. Thankfully, Splatt Lawyers carries the financial risk of your WorkCover claim. Our No Win, No Fee funding means the following:

  • You paid nothing to start your claim
  • There are no legal fees or costs until we settle
  • Owe nothing if you lose
  • We fund your medical reports and assessments
  • We support your medical treatment and rehab costs


A stress-related injury can upend your life. Seek legal advice immediately to determine your right to receive workers’ compensation and approved paid stress leave. Call now: 1800 700 125

Paid sick leave approved

Eligibility for WorkCover stress leave is contingent upon your employer and your specific employment terms. Fair Work Australia states employees are entitled to paid sick leave if they cannot work due to personal sickness or injury, including stress and pregnancy.

Employees should be able to take a full-paying leave of absence when they have a stress-related illness. Before applying for stress leave, you should check your annual sick leave allowance and use all your regular entitlements. Although it may provide temporary relief, chronic stress requires therapy and possibly extended leaves of absence from work to fully address the issue.

When visiting your doctor, share your health concerns and follow the steps to support the validity of your stress compensation claim. To be sure you are making your best choices: learn more about stress leave here >

Helpful Personal Injury Lawyers

Our helpful workplace stress compensation lawyers will advise on the legal process and your rights.

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Do QLD Workers' Compensation Claims Cover Stress?

You can make a Queensland WorkCover stress claim when you have suffered a psychological injury, and your work was a significant contributing factor. In this situation, you must immediately seek medical treatment and inform your employer about your psychological condition.

Having WorkCover approve your stress claim can take time and effort. To succeed, it is crucial to prove the following:

  1. Your employer was negligent
  2. Your employer failed their duty of care
Significant Contributing Factor

If you prove your work was a significant contributing factor, you could make a successful work injury damages claim through WorkCover and be paid a lump sum benefit from a common law claim. Success makes you eligible for various benefits, including medical expenses, income support, and rehabilitation services.

Generally, a claim for stress-related disorders is likely to be accepted when you meet both of the following criteria:

  1. Evidence that a worker is suffering from a psychological injury.
  2. There is a strong connection between the psychological damage to the worker and their job.

How do I make a WorkCover claim? >

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What is a Workplace Psychological Injury? 

A work-related psychological injury is a mental health condition that impairs a worker’s state of mind (thoughts, feelings, and emotions) and can interfere with their ability to function and interact with others. Psychological problems due to work stress are also known as mental stress.

Common types of mental health conditions that develop because of work-related stress include:

The most common causes of work-related stress are:

Stress-related conditions that last for long periods can lead to psychological and physiological illnesses that affect your health. They can include:

  • Various mental health issues
  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Heart disease

How Do I Lodge a WorkCover Stress Claim?

When you lodge a workers compensation claim with WorkCover for stress, anxiety or depression, you must show how your condition relates to your job. It would help if you documented all the stressors contributing to your mental illness. These records should include specific incident dates, times and the names of any people involved.

After claim lodgement, the insurer will respond within 28 days to advise the outcome of your matter. The WorkCover claim investigator will either accept or deny your claim.

It is typical to have an independent psychiatrist evaluate you and provide reports on your therapy and work capacity. The insurer can also assign an investigator to explore all aspects of your case. They would speak with your employer and any witnesses. You should seek legal advice if your employer asks you to contact the investigator.

If your case is denied, you should also seek legal advice. Call Now 1800 700 125.

Learn how to make a WorkCover claim >

Workers’ Compensation Payouts for Mental Stress

Payouts for mental stress claims are often substantial, chiefly because these claims involve long absences from work. The benefits included in worker’s compensation payouts depend on the circumstances of the claim. They can include:

If psychological injuries at work resulted from reasonable management action, you cannot claim workers’ compensation for stress, anxiety, or depression. Unreasonable management action includes:

Reasonable action has a broad definition and can include the following:

  • Work performance reviews
  • Suspension from work
  • Retrenchment and dismissal
  • Transfers and demotion
  • Reclassification of your work duties

To avoid litigation, your employer must show that their measures were reasonable. If your employer can prove this, you must demonstrate that other work-related factors that endanger your health and safety were the root cause of your mental condition.

More about QLD WorkCover claims >

You must be seeking medical treatment and have a medical diagnosis that has been documented if you wish to claim workers’ compensation or make a common law claim. But first, you should discuss your mental health problems with your employer and allow them to address your concerns.

Under the Queensland Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) section 18, all Queensland employers have a legal duty to provide their workers with a healthy and safe workplace. You also have a legal right to privacy due to the Queensland Information Privacy Act 2009, so your employer cannot share your conversation unless you permit them. You should keep records of any emails, discussions, comments, or other interactions with your employer or colleagues regarding your situation. This evidence will be required to support your case.

I want to know my legal rights >

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Making a WorkCover Claim for a Psychological Injury

Making a WorkCover claim for a psychological injury can be complicated and further escalate your stress. However, seeking legal advice from an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can help you receive all your due benefits and minimise your anxiety.

At Splatt Lawyers, our experienced legal team advises on making a WorkCover claim for stress or another psychological injury. Our skilled work injury lawyers help you access the benefits and support needed to recover from your injury and return to work.

Splatt’s compensation lawyers recognise that every personal injury claim is unique and will devote time to listening to your story. We will communicate with your employer and WorkCover to uphold your rights and entitlements.  Knowing your legal circumstances is free; you pay nothing until we win your claim and zero if you lose. Call Now – 1800 700 125.

Suffering from Work-Related Stress? Seek Support!

Considering your mental and physical health, consult your GP if you haven’t already. They can refer you to a psychologist or other health professional if necessary. Safe Work Australia recommends the following for support and information for stress, anxiety disorders, and depression:

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Personal Injury Lawyer for Psychological Injury Claims

However, your psychological injury occurred, our experienced compensation lawyers have the legal know-how explain your rights when impacted by employer negligence. Claiming personal injury compensation for anxiety, stress, and depression is more complicated than for physical injuries, as the damage isn’t visible like a physical injury.

The pressure of workers’ compensation stress claims can further impact your mental health. Let a Splatt personal injury lawyer help with informed advice. Choose work injury solicitors who understand the complexities of claiming WorkCover entitlements. It’s free to understand your legal rights.  Call Now 1800 700 125.

Workers' Compensation Claim Lawyers Near You

When you have stress-related illnesses and need reliable legal advice for a successful WorkCover claim, knowing that Splatt Lawyers is nearby is reassuring. Choose your location:

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Workers' Compensation Stress Leave QLD FAQ's

You can take stress leave if you have annual or sick leave. You may need to provide a doctor’s certificate confirming you are unwell. If you cannot work due to your work-related mental illness and require an extended period off work, you should consider lodging a claim with WorkCover.

You might have a compensation claim if you have a psychological injury because of your work. Your condition must be associated with your job. To succeed, your employment must greatly contribute to your mental illness. WorkCover will not recognise your claim if your employer’s action is considered reasonable management action.

Every year, approximately 870 employees in Queensland have successful claims for work-related mental illness related to their employment. This is about 3.4% of workers’ compensation claims for the same period.

In a hostile workplace, you regularly experience undesirable or unwelcome behaviour and bullying. It includes situations where you do not want to attend your workplace due to excessive pressure or a lack of support.

Can you sue for bullying in QLD? >

You could sue your Queensland employer if your mental health problems, like stress, depression or anxiety, are due to workplace negligence in providing a safe and healthy workplace.

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