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How to Claim Workers Compensation QLD for WorkCover Benefits

The simplest way to claim workers' compensation from WorkCover Queensland for a work-related illness or injury is to fill out and submit the online claim form. Know the steps to successfully claim workers' compensation in QLD.
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How to Claim WorkCover Queensland

When injured at work, knowing how to claim WorkCover QLD and make a common law claim can be tricky. So, our step-by-step guide to work accident claims is here to help you understand the process and how to have a successful work injury payout.

How Does WorkCover Work in Queensland?

When you experience a work-related physical injury, illness, or mental health condition because of a workplace accident, your employer will have work accident insurance, known as WorkCover. This workers’ compensation scheme (also called workers’ compensation insurance) was established under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003. Consequently, employers (except for self-insured employers) must have this compulsory insurance to fund their benefits when they claim compensation.

Does WorkCover Cover All Employees?

WorkCover insurance generally covers all Queensland employees for injuries sustained in workplace accidents (although some sizable employers may have self-insurer cover). Generally, casual, full-time and part-time workers are all covered by workers’ compensation schemes in Australia. Furthermore, this compensation insurance includes protection for harm to workers acquired while:

  • Conducting work-related business
  • Travelling to or from work
  • Travelling for work purposes
  • Injuries acquired at work activities and events.

What is Covered by WorkCover?

When WorkCover approves your case, you will receive:

  • Weekly payments (replacing lost wages)
  • Medical practitioners’ costs for physiotherapy, rehabilitation, GP consultations, surgery, blood tests, X-rays, scans and other required assessments or treatments for injury management.

People who receive workers’ compensation can also get other kinds of help, such as:

  1. Training and Education
  2. Help with home care
  3. Access to medical specialists and rehabilitation professionals

What is my claim worth?

Can I Claim Workers’ Compensation?

The eligibility conditions for workers’ compensation claims are outlined in the Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003. Hence, WorkCover Queensland will consider the following questions when you make a claim:

  • Has the statutory claim been lodged within the correct timeframe?
  • Was the claimant working for the employer when they had a workplace injury or illness?
  • Is the claimant considered to be a worker? (do they meet the definition)
  • Was the person’s job significantly contributing to their injury or illness?

NOTE: You must promptly report your work injury to your state’s workers’ compensation authority to initiate the claim process.

It can be complicated to know if you satisfy the eligibility requirements of WorkCover Queensland, but Splatt Lawyers will assess your case for free. Call Now 1800 700 125, or use our free online claim check >

How to Claim WorkCover QLD for a Work-Related Injury or Illness

The simplest way to claim workers’ compensation from WorkCover for a work injury or illness is to fill out and submit the online claim form.

However, before you do this, you must know if you are eligible for workers’ compensation arrangements and follow these recommended steps.

Steps of the QLD WorkCover Claims Process

1. Get medical treatment from a medical practitioner.

Please seek treatment from medical practitioners and provide them with information about your work-related injuries, including the physical and psychological impacts. They will generally issue you a work capacity certificate.

2. Report your work-related incident

Ensure you make a work accident report as soon as you can. Be aware that time limits apply (generally 20 days), so take swift action. All employers are legally required to have an accident register or injury ledger. Another option is to file a report by lodging a compensation claim with your boss.

Please complete this document truthfully, concisely, and accurately, and give your workers’ compensation lawyer a copy of the completed form.

3. Get a medical certificate and supporting documents.

As with all insurance claims, you will need documents to support your case, like:

  • A copy of your work accident report from the employer you were working with when the illness occurred
  • Medical treatment records and assessments from a general practitioner.
  • Receipts for claimable expenses

If you are taking time away from work due to your condition, you will also need a certificate of capacity from your doctor. Please submit these as soon as you can.

4. Fill out and lodge a workers’ compensation claim form.

First, you will need a WorkCover medical certificate from your GP. You can then begin the workers’ compensation process by lodging your WorkCover claim using the online form.

5. WorkCover Assesses Your Case

WorkCover (the statutory authority) has 20 days to decide about your case, so they will contact you and your employer to ask questions about your work and injuries.

How Does WorkCover Decide a Claim?

The process for determining the outcome of a WorkCover claim follows established guidelines and procedures. To do this, they will review the following:

  • Did you lodge your case within the applicable time limit?
  • Was the injured worker employed when they were harmed?
  • Is the claimant classified as a worker based on legislative guidelines?
  • Was there a work accident or event that led to your injury?

Please know that the Queensland workers’ compensation scheme is a no-fault system, so there is no need to prove who was to blame for your accident (even if you were at fault). However, you must prove liability for your loss for other types of personal injury claims (including common law claims).

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What Happens When My WorkCover Claim Is Accepted?

When WorkCover accepts your claim, you will receive weekly compensation (also called weekly payments). In addition to weekly payments, you may also receive financial support for medical expenses, rehabilitation services, and other necessary treatments.

The value of these payments is based on your previous 12 months’ earnings before your accident. The calculation includes overtime, penalty rates, a higher duty allowance, and others.

This weekly income will not include reimbursement allowances like meals, travel, superannuation, accrued leave, and relocation expenses. WorkCover will also reimburse you for medical treatment expenses for your work injury.

WorkCover payments end when:

  • You go back to work.
  • Your injuries are at their highest level of improvement.
  • You reach the maximum value of weekly compensation.
  • You retire from work.

How to Get the Most From Your WorkCover Payments

How you fill out your WorkCover lodgement form will determine if you get the most from your weekly payments. So submit your correct pay rate, including regular shift loadings and allowances. Contact your HR department if you are still determining your salary and entitlements.

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What If My Workers’ Compensation Claim QLD is Denied or Rejected?

When workers’ compensation claims are denied or rejected, that is rarely the end of the matter. Of course, you will be disappointed at this outcome, but you can still pursue your case.

Sometimes, WorkCover rejects a case because:

  • The insurance company does not believe your physical or mental damage is work-related.
  • Your employer challenges your side’s version of events.
  • Insufficient supporting documentation

Legal Advice for QLD WorkCover Claims Disputes

If you believe your case has been denied unfairly, please seek legal advice from a Queensland work injury lawyer. Splatt Lawyers knows the rights of injured workers, including how to negotiate with the workers’ compensation regulator.

Our Queensland personal injury law firm provides 100% no win, no fee legal services to all our clients, which means you pay when you win and nothing if you lose. Get legal support now by Calling 1800 700 125.

Do I Have a Valid Claim?

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How Lawyers Help Manage Workers’ Compensation Claims

Navigating the Queensland Workers Compensation System to access work injury insurance benefits can be difficult. Our work injury lawyers advise how you can make a claim in this situation.

We explain your entitlements and right to claim for free. Please get in touch for workers’ compensation legal advice if you have encountered any of the following:

  • A work-related injury
  • A mental health injury caused by your job
  • Your work escalated a pre-existing injury, illness, or psychological disorder.
  • WorkCover rejects your work injury case.
  • WorkCover won’t pay for something like medical treatment, surgery, or hospital costs.
  • You want to know how to claim lump sum compensation.
  • Your boss is trying to make you return to work.
  • You want to know your legal rights.

Remember, knowing where you stand is free, and you owe nothing until we win your case. It’s free, to be sure. Call: 1800 700 125.

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Work Injury Compensation FAQs

What is the definition of a worker for workers’ compensation?

The workers’ compensation authority considers all PAYG employees, whether subcontractors, part-time, or full-time workers, to be covered by WorkCover insurance to seek compensation. However, this definition is complex, so please seek legal advice before making a claim.

What does workers’ compensation cover?

When a work-related injury or illness prevents you from work, Australian workers compensation schemes cover your:
• Lost wages
• Out-of-pocket expenses
• Travel costs
• Rehabilitation and medical costs

How much does WorkCover payout in Qld?

According to WorkSafe QLD statistics, the average common law payout for work-related injuries was $188,794 in 2022–2023.

On the other hand, the value of a lump sum payout under a statutory claim is $3,805.75 for each 1% of permanent impairment as assessed using the ISV scale.

What is the maximum payout for workers’ compensation in Qld?

Section 140 of the Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 states that the maximum statutory compensation’ payable for an injury or multiple injuries sustained in a single event is defined as being 216.15 times the Queensland full-time adult’s Ordinary Time Earnings (QOTE).”

In Queensland, the QOTE for the period July 2023 to June 2024 is $1,760.70. After multiplying this number by 216.15, the maximum statutory compensation amount is $380,575.31.

How long does a WorkCover claim take in QLD?

WorkCover has 20 days to determine the outcome of statutory claims for workers’ compensation benefits. On the other hand, common law cases typically take two years or longer to resolve, though some do so in less than a year, depending on the case’s complexity.

How do I lodge a QLD WorkCover claim?

The simplest way to claim WorkCover is to complete and lodge the online form. Then, speak with a workers’ compensation lawyer to learn more about your rights and the claim process.

Who manages workers’ compensation claims in Australia?

In Australia, the Commonwealth, state, and territory governments manage their own workers’ compensation claims to:

  1. ensure effective handling
  2. timely support for injured workers.
  3. They can improve workers’ compensation arrangements.

Hence, different laws may apply in each state (and may not cover Australian Government Agency employees). For further information and advice, click on your state below:

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