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Failure of (Public Liability) Duty of Care occurs when a person has a physical injury or is mentally harmed due to another party’s actions (or failure to act). To establish legal liability, it must be reasonably foreseeable that the circumstances of the incident would result in an injury and that a sensible person would not have taken the same action.
Most property owners and operators in Queensland have public liability insurance that provides them financial protection if they fail their duty. If you bring legal action for negligence against a property/venue owner or operator, you claim against their insurance company.
You could have the right to claim compensation when someone has failed their legal duty. Understanding your legal entitlements is free, and you pay nothing until we win your claim. Owe us nothing if you lose – Call Now 1800 700 125.
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We all owe a Duty of Care to take reasonable actions to protect other people from harm. If you have been injured because of a failure of Duty of Care (someone else was negligent, and the incident was reasonably foreseeable), you may have a Public Liability Claim.
In this case, our Duty of Care Claim Lawyers can assist. Contact the friendly and experienced legal team at Splatt Lawyers, for immediate support now – Call 1800 700 125. or email us >
Our expert lawyers can guide you through the legal process to a better tomorrow.
What are the obligations under the duty of care, and what is “reasonable care and skill”?
To establish negligence, the injured person must demonstrate three specific criteria. These are causality, breach, and duty of care. If a claimant proves all three elements, we move to the final stage, damages.
A duty of care between the injured and negligent parties must first be established according to the damaged party. In law, you have a duty of care to exercise reasonable care. However, a duty is not always present. Even when it exists, the extent of the duty is dependent on the nature of the relationships between the parties.
After the injured party has proven there was a duty of care owed, they must show that the defendant neglected their responsibility. The plaintiff must show that:
Causation is the third component of negligence that the plaintiff must establish. The plaintiff must demonstrate their negligence caused the harm or damage.
A plaintiff will be entitled to compensation for their damage or the harm inflicted if they can adequately establish a duty of care, breach, and causation. Damages are the last component of a negligence claim and apply to economic and non-economic harm.
Get a free initial claim assessment to understand your legal options and your opportunity to access compensation.
A violation of a duty of care has occurred when:
Shopping malls, footpaths, and other public spaces are where slip and fall (and trip and fall) accidents frequently happen. In Queensland, a property’s occupant must take reasonable measures to ensure that visitors can safely access and utilise the property. More about slip and fall accidents →
By law, a property owner must take reasonable care of and maintain the property to be free of danger. However, a landlord does not need to guarantee that a property is always totally safe.
More about rental property accidents →
It is your responsibility, or duty of care, as the dog or other animal’s owner to ensure your pet doesn’t cause harm to anyone else. In addition, you could face legal repercussions if your pet attacks or bites another animal or person.
More about animal attack accidents →
Theme park and recreation venue owners/managers are responsible for taking reasonable precautions to minimise any foreseeable danger of injury or harm to visitors and employees. This responsibility entails performing planned tests, equipment maintenance, and adhering to industry standards.
More about recreational accidents →
Transport providers have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their customers. So, no matter the mode of transportation you choose; plane, ship, bus, or train—all travel service providers are responsible for your safety.
Understanding that someone else may not be at fault when you are injured is essential. Various interactions between people and parties can create an obligation for duty of care. For example:
More specific examples of when a Duty of Care exists include:
Start your claim online or contact our experienced Public Liability Lawyers
Everyone (to a varying extent) has a duty of care to protect others in many different situations, such as: at work, when driving, when in a public space, at school and in a playground, while engaging in recreational activities and more. This means taking reasonable steps to protect yourself and others from harm.
The legal definition of Duty of Care relates to the responsibility not to cause harm or injury to another person that a reasonable person could have foreseen.
Medical professionals owe you a duty to ensure you receive good health care; however they do not have the same responsibility when it comes to other areas of your life, like caring for your finances.
When a person owes someone a duty of care and neglects it, causing harm or damage, the injured person can file a damages claim against them.
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Our local Queensland lawyers are prepared to help. Contact our team with your questions or start online now. It costs nothing to understand your options.