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Rental Property Injury Lawyers QLD

Rental property injury lawyers provide legal advice when a landlord’s negligence causes an accident or tenant injury. In that case, our personal injury lawyers explain your right to seek compensation for your loss.

In Queensland, public liability law covers injuries acquired in leased properties or private residences. Splatt’s property rental lawyers will help you understand your tenant rights, including the right to sue your landlord or real estate agent for damages.

Our 100% no-win, no-fee policy means you have no financial risk for your case. Pay when you win and zero if you lose. It’s free, to be sure. Call: 1800 700 125 or email us >

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Can I Claim Compensation for a Rental Property Injury?

You may be entitled to compensation if you slip, trip, fall, or sustain another physical or mental health injury on private property, like a rented home or friend’s house. It’s crucial to remember that public liability claims are filed against the property’s insurance, not the owner or tenant, so your friend or relative shouldn’t be personally affected by your claim or have a financial loss.

The Personal Injuries Proceedings Act QLD 2002 (PIPA) governs injuries in rented housing or private property. If an injured person can prove that someone else was responsible for the accident and subsequent injuries, this Act permits them to seek injury compensation for their losses.

It’s free to know if you have a valid claim, so contact Splatt Lawyers now to understand your rights. Call 1800 700 125 or email us >

QLD Property Accident Lawyers

Our property accident lawyers explain the legal process when someone else’s negligence causes a financial loss.

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100% No Win, No Fee Rental Property Accident Claims

If you live in a rented home, paying legal fees may not be a priority. But you still want to understand if you can seek compensation. So, you will be pleased to learn that all Splatt Lawyer’s clients can access our 100% No Win, No Fee legal funding. This means:

  • It’s free to start.
  • There are no costs or fees until settlement.
  • Pay when you win and zero if you lose.
  • We fund your assessments and reports.
  • We fund your rehabilitation costs.
  • You have no financial risk for your case.

Ask our personal injury claim solicitors to explain our legal cost agreement that outlines our 100% No Win, No Fee policy. It costs nothing to know your legal options and if you have a valid case.

More about our legal fees →

How Much Compensation for a Rental Property Injury Claim?

Like public slip-and-fall claims, several criteria are considered when determining private compensation damages, including:

  1. Past and Future Financial Loss – includes salaries, superannuation, bonuses, and overtime.
  2. Pain and suffering
  3. Future and past medical costs
  4. Future and past support and care

It’s crucial to remember that the worth of your compensation will be specific to you and your situation. Furthermore, you should know that two accident victims with comparable injuries will obtain different compensation payouts.

For example, a person who works in a bank with a shoulder injury or spinal damage will likely have less workplace adjustment than a plumber who is constantly on their feet at work. Their injuries have a different impact on their ability to work and earn an income.

Learn how personal injury payouts are calculated >

What is a Landlord’s Duty of Care?

Queensland landlords must take reasonable steps to ensure a safe living environment in their rental property. Hence, the duties of a landlord include scheduling routine building inspections and employing professional tradespeople to undertake repairs as soon as they become necessary.

A landlord’s duty of care does not obligate them to replace non-defective items with safer alternatives or make the house as secure as possible. Also, landlords are not liable for risks they were unaware of, so you must disclose any issues with the property as soon as they occur.

Accidents in a Rented Home

If your landlord failed to keep you safe, you could file a negligence claim for damages. Your injury compensation may be in connection with several problems with your leased property, including:

  • Broken or uneven floors
  • Illness caused by mould
  • Faulty appliances causing burns
  • Water leaks that affect your health
  • Swimming pool-related injuries

Our injury claim lawyers will review all the issues when assessing your claim. They will assist in deciding if your landlord or property owner failed their duty to care for your safety.

Knowing your legal options is vital when hurt in an accident on residential premises. As a rented home occupant, your legal rights include:

  • The right to live in a safe and secure home
  • The right for your home to be maintained in reasonable condition
  • The right for your home to be inspected for any hazards
  • The right to have defects removed, replaced, or fixed.

You would still need to prove that someone owed you a duty of care, breached that duty, and that the violation led to your injuries. After analysing your claim, your lawyer or solicitor will determine whether another party is at fault.

The Care Owed by a Landlord or Property Owner

When a renter suffers an injury while residing in a rental property, this is a typical private dwelling accident. Ensuring the safety, security, and condition of the tenants’ leased property is one of the landlord’s or real estate agent’s legal responsibilities. In addition, a landlord’s obligations include:

  1. Scheduling routine building inspections
  2. Completing urgent repairs as soon as possible
  3. Using certified tradespeople to complete the repairs

Their legal obligation may be outlined in your rental agreement. Additionally, the property owner must have public liability or landlord insurance. A landlord’s insurance policy protects them financially when something goes wrong. 

You should alert your landlord immediately if you find a problem with your rental that jeopardises your safety, and you should keep a record of these communications.

Can I Sue My Landlord?

You might question, “Can I sue my landlord?” for injuries suffered by a tenant. The answer is yes, you can sue for damages, but first:

  • You must prove that the property owner or real estate agent failed to do routine inspections.
  • Or that they did not correct a problem within a reasonable time
  • Alternatively, if the incident occurred in a friend’s or relative’s house, you must demonstrate that the accident could have been avoided and that the host (or landlord) was to blame for your injuries.

You must notify the property owner (or another relevant party) of the incident and your injuries and seek the necessary medical attention for them.

A variety of time constraints and procedures impact the legal process. Therefore, as with any personal injury claim, ask a compensation lawyer to explain your rights.

More about landlord compensation claims >

Rental Property Injury FAQs

You might be entitled to compensation for injuries sustained due to landlord negligence and an unsafe rental home. Our public place accident lawyers can answer questions like, “Can I sue my landlord?” Plus, we’ll explain the steps for landlord insurance claims and the process of claiming obtaining compensation from landlords for rental property hazards like mould, uneven floors, and other risks.

You might be eligible to file a claim for compensation if you or a guest were hurt while visiting or living in a dangerous rental home.

First, you must show that you were harmed (physically or psychologically) due to a real estate agent or landlord’s negligence. If you have a tenant injury, you should:

  1. Seek medical attention.
  2. Inform the landlord about the injuries.
  3. Seek legal advice from a rental property injury lawyer.

To have a successful claim, you must demonstrate the following before filing your case for rental property injury compensation:

  1. According to Australian Building Code regulations, your rental property had defects and could harm people.
  2. Either your landlord knew about the flaw that made your rental home unsafe or should have known about it, or they just declined to rectify the issue.
  3. The landlord or property manager failed to take prompt action to reduce the danger of damage to property or risk of injury to people.

To start a defective property compensation claim, first contact Splatt Lawyers to understand your rights. Our public liability solicitors will evaluate your circumstance and explain the steps to justice.

You must be able to demonstrate the following to have a successful claim:

  1. The landlord or property leasing agent owed you a duty of care.
  2. They failed their duty of care.
  3. They could have anticipated that this negligence would result in sickness, property damage, or personal injury.

Landlord and managing real estate agent both have an owed duty of care for the safety of their tenants. Legal obligations are covered in the Civil Liabilities Act QLD 2003, the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008, and under common law. 

Where a property agent manages a tenanted property, the management agreement could seek to transfer some of the liability to the real estate agent. Should a claim arise from an injury or illness in the managed property, both parties would likely have some liability.

If you live in an apartment block, have an accident, and suffer an injury or illness, the body corporate may have some liability. The building body corporate is responsible for maintenance and repairs, particularly in the common areas. If you take legal action against your body corporate, their accident insurance policy funds compensation payouts.

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