Legal Advice for Compensation Insurance Claims & TPD Payouts

Fatal Accidents – Dependency Claims & Ensuring Adequate Compensation

Wrongful death for fatal accident compensation

Have you suffered the loss of a loved one on whom you were financially dependent? Common Factual Circumstances The most common types of dependency claims arise out of circumstances involving: For a dependency claim to be successful, two elements must first be met. Firstly, the negligent act of the defendant caused the death of the […]

Can a Motorcyclist Ride Between Cars?

Know the rules about motorcycles driving between cars

When a motorcyclist filters through slow or stationary traffic in an effort to move forward, they are lane-splitting. Know the road rules that apply to this risky manoeuvre.

Private Health Insurance and Injury Compensation

Private Health Insurance and Injury Compensation nursing staff

Increasing numbers of people are obtaining hospital and ancillary cover from private health insurers. Because of the additional financial pressures in the current economic climate, the health funds are ensuring that they account for every dollar. This article will look at compensable injuries’ impacts on their private health insurance policies, the effects on any potential claims and the legal basis for same.